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for children ages 7+
What is Leo Leadership?
LEO Leadership is a social/emotional training program aimed to develop leadership potential in children, cultivate their self-esteem and improve communication skills.
Our focus is on 21st century skills development:
  • Friendship
  • Negotiation
  • Conflict resolution
It's a one-year program consisting of four lessons each month.
What are the benefits of Leo Leadership program?
  • Children will learn about their strengths and weaknesses.
  • They will improve social interactions with adults and their peers.
  • They will acquire practical skills to manage conflicts, solve their own problems, and boost their self-confidence.
  • Children will learn to make friends, listen carefully, and respond to others in a calm and respectful way.
Choose your package
In-person classes
One-time class

120 minutes
Lesson schedule

Meet our teacher
Svetlana Titkova
Emotional intelligence coach
Svetlana has been running the Leadership program since 2015. This unique program was developed by her and her professional colleagues. She has trained more than 1000 children in the development of effective social skills. She has a bachelors degree in psychology in Russia, a Gestalt Therapy certificate, and she is currently enrolled in a master’s program in marriage and family counseling. She also studied social-emotional learning with Daniel Goldman.

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